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Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

"Rahmenpflichtenheft" for Qualification Positions

Teaching / Research Assistants and Doctoral Candidates

The Regulations on the General Outline of Rights and Responsibilities of the Faculties for Teaching / Research Assistants and Doctoral Candidates (Regulations on the general outline of rights and responsibilities) include provisions on employment, in particular on the share of tasks and working hours, of holders of junior academic positions, which apply to the entire university.
The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences' Regulations of Rights and Responsibilites for Teaching / Research Assistants and Doctoral Candidates ("Rahmenpflichtenheft Promovierende PhF") regulates the rights and responsibilities of teaching / research assistants and doctoral candidates who are employed in qualification positions at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
PhF Rahmenpflichtenheft Promovierende (PDF, 71 KB) (German only)

The individual outline of rights and responsibilities is prepared for each person doing a doctorate with a junior academic position. It defines the tasks within the scope of the employment, in particular the teaching and other tasks.

You can find further information, a comprehensive FAQ and the template for the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences' individual outline of rights and responsibilities at .