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Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Research Support

Applications: At the earliest three months before purchase/service and at the latest one month after purchase/service.
Doctoral students can apply for subsidies for the following items:

  • Costs for language courses at the UZH/ETH Language Center (courses at other institutions are possible if the language or level is not offered at the Language Center).
  • Costs for specialized literature and interlibrary loan fees.
  • Costs for collection, analysis, and management of empirical data (e.g., software, licenses; no hardware). Typically, these costs should be covered by the institute/department, project or chair. If not possible and if the service/purchase is necessary for the individual dissertation project, a subsidy can be requested. 


  • Enrolled doctoral students of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences are eligible to apply (also during their leave of absence in the publication phase). 
  • In 2025, a subsidy of up to 1000 CHF per person can be requested.
  • The application must explain why the research support is central to the applicant's own scientific qualification.
  • Multiple applications can be submitted until the maximum sum is reached. Combining multiple items in one application is possible. There is no entitlement to the grant. Amounts of less than CHF 100 will not be paid out. Furthermore, the budget proviso applies.


Complete applications must be sent to  no earlier than three months before the purchase/service and no later than one month after the purchase/service.

Please note the following restrictions during the turn of the year:

  • Applications for trips in November and December must be submitted by 1 December
  • Applications for trips in January, February and March can only be submitted from 1 January

For a complete application, please compile the following documents into a single PDF file and send it as an attachment via email. The file size should not exceed 50 MB:

  1. Research Support Application Form (DOCX, 150 KB)
  2. Receipts/offers explaining the requested sum

Incomplete or late applications will be rejected without processing. The Graduate School does not enter into correspondence regarding payment, which is usually made within two months of receipt of the application in your account.